In August 2018 Jean-Pierre BOCQUET-APPEL passed away.

Emeritus Research Director at the CNRS, he was a member of our laboratory, LAMPEA. We wish to dedicate two days of tribute to him.

The tribute days will be held in the new amphitheater of the Mediterranean House of Human Sciences of Aix en Provence (France) on the 2nd and 3th of July 2019.

These tribute days will call together in a diachronic and multidisciplinary approach collaborators and colleagues to discuss the researches of Jean Pierre and their impact on biological anthropology in France and in the world. The topics are related to the research work of our colleague concerning the anthropological demography starting from prehistory until the contemporary period.

In addition to invited conferences it is possible to submit poster presentation (send title and abstracts to before the 1st of June 2019).

For any information:



Registration - deadline: 01/06/2019

Mandatory registration is free of charge











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